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Christmas Appeal
Gift joy, choice and more opportunities for people with disability this Christmas!

How will funding change under the NDIS?

Under the old system, providers such as Bedford received funding to deliver services to people with disability. The old system limited choice and made it difficult for people to switch providers. Under the NDIS, each participant will have control over their funding and how it is spent.

When will I be eligible?

From 1 July, 2017 the NDIS will begin rolling out in South Australia based on what council zone you live in.

How will the NDIA contact me?

You are likely to be contacted via phone or post in the first instance. If you are contacted prior to the rollout in your area, it is likely to remind you that the NDIS is coming to your area soon. If you are contacted after the roll out date it is likely to schedule a planning conversation.

Who will I speak to?

You will either be contacted by the NDIA, or a Queensland-based organisation called Feros. Feros is the NDIA's 'community partner' in South Australia, which means it has been contracted to help the NDIA deliver plans. A large proportion of Bedford participants will have their NDIS planning conversation with Feros.

How will the NDIS impact wages?

The NDIS will not impact wages.

What should I do when I am contacted by the NDIA or Feros?

If you are contacted by the NDIA or Feros for a planning conversation, you have the right to reschedule the call to a time that is more convenient for you. It is important to have your NDIS planning workbook at hand when you have your planning conversation. The NDIA and Feros have been instructed to contact people with disability in the first instance, rather than their family or their provider (unless there is a formal arrangement in place). For this reason, it is important that your loved one knows what to do when they are contacted.

My loved one receives services from another provider, can they be part of their NDIS plan too?

Yes. Your NDIS plan is designed to encompass all of the supports that you require, regardless of if you receive them from different providers. When filling out your NDIS planning workbook please include all supports that your loved one currently receives.