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Bedford is hosting a series of workshops designed to help families understand the NDIS.

One of the biggest priorities for Bedford over the coming months is ensuring that the people we support understand the NDIS and the changes that it will bring. To achieve this, Bedford has designed a workshop series which will be delivered at all sites during 2016 and in the first half of 2017. The workshop series will answer frequently asked questions, help you understand what the NDIS will mean for you and what you are likely to need to join the Scheme.

The workshop series is broken down into three parts:

1.Understanding the NDIS

This session will help you understand what the NDIS is and what it means for you. It will cover off on important terms, frequently asked questions and what you can expect from your NDIS journey.

2.Understanding Eligibility Requirements

In this session Bedford will explain how the NDIA determines eligibility. We will also spend time discussing what steps you will need to take to join the Scheme and how Bedford will help you.


This session will explain what to expect from the NDIS planning process. This may include assisting you to find the necessary medical information, providing you with a list of the supports that you are currently receiving from Bedford and helping you identify what supports you might like under the NDIS. Bedford is committed to providing you with a high level of support as you or your loved one transitions to the NDIS.

If you have any further questions about the NDIS, please call (08) 8275 0211 or email