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There is a new kid on the Bedford Day Options block in the western suburbs of Adelaide. Introducing… Torrensville Learning and Experiences!

The former ‘Community Access and Lifestyle’ programs (affectionately known as ‘CAL’) have been renamed to Learning and Experiences to better reflect what they’re all about.

The new service opened their doors in February, and recently had a successful Open Evening for anyone interested in taking a tour of the new facilities.

One of the families who attended said they were looking for local Day Options programs for their son, who has been an employee at Bedford for nearly 30 years. They mentioned they were ‘blown away’ by the programs and activities on offer, which far exceeded their expectations.

The Learning and Experiences programs run both in-house and community based programs to suit individual needs, interests and personal goals.

Participants have a variety of choices available, from learning and improving digital literacy and numeracy skills, creating art and pottery pieces, music, dance – or cooking classes, swimming, hiking or even support to get your learners permit. Programs change every 12 weeks, so there is regularly something new and exciting to try.

Tailored programs are available for participants with specific needs, and for those who may require additional supports to enable participation in favourite activities, or to try something new.

Bedford also fosters rewarding partnerships where clients have the opportunity to participate (or volunteer) in programs which are purposefully designed or with other not-for-profits and volunteer organisations at each of our locations - such as Meals on Wheels, RSPCA and CirKidz.

In addition to our new Torrensville site, Learning and Experiences programs and supports are also offered at our Panorama, Elizabeth, Mount Gambier, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Whyalla and Wallaroo locations.

To find out more about our Day Options & Experiences, visit our page here