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Nominations Open for Bedford Honorary Life Membership

Bedford Honorary Life Memberships are awarded to people and groups who have displayed outstanding service to Bedford, or to the disability sector (often both) and who, through their efforts, have contributed significantly to supporting people with disability.

They may have achieved this through long-term volunteering, tireless campaigning, or through exemplary work at Bedford, in government, the disability sector, or in private enterprise.

We are now accepting nominations for new Bedford Honorary Life Membership and encourage you to nominate any individuals, couples or groups (ie; service clubs, groups or businesses) who have;

  • provided exceptional support over a considerable period of time and/or made achievements in the development or enhancement of the disability community and/or Bedford Group;
  • enhanced the outcomes for the Bedford Group through their actions in the disability sector;
  • served as an exemplar to Bedford Group employees and clients;
  • provided paid service to Bedford that is of significant length and/or quality; and/or
  • made distinguished contribution to Bedford Group.

If you know of anyone who meets the criteria, we welcome your nomination!

For more information, email

Life Member Profiles

Welcome to our Life Member Profile Series where we introduce to you some of our exemplary Bedford Life Members and explore their link with Bedford, and their contributions to the disability community.

This profile series will be added to over time as we confer new Honorary Life Members to the Bedford community.

We are especially pleased to introduce you to the six new Life Members welcomed in 2023; Kenneth T Jenkins, Stephen Hains AM, Ray Grigg, Greg Connor, Peter Roodhouse and Wayne McKeon.

Kenneth T Jenkins

From The White House to 10 Downing Street, the impact of Reverend Kenneth ‘KT’ Jenkins’ vision inspired a global generation of progressive change to empower people with disability. Bedford Group was lucky enough to be the place where this vision would unfold... read more

Stephen Hains AM

Stephen retired from local government in 2011, and has sat on nine boards for various organisations since his retirement. He joined the board of Bedford Group in 2009 and remained a Board Member until 2020, notching up 11 years of dedicated service... read more

Ray Grigg

At first glance, the automobile industry and a disability organisation don’t have a lot in common, but for Ray Grigg, who has spent an extended period involved in both, there are definitely parallels... read more

Greg Connor

More than twenty years after Greg Connor first walked through the doors at Bedford Panorama, the impact of it still hits home today as much as it did for him on day one... read more

Peter Roodhouse

When it comes to being an advocate for people living with a disability, it would be difficult to find anyone more dedicated than Peter Roodhouse. Peter’s son Matthew was born with Down Syndrome in 1969, and the time marked many decades of involvement with disability organisations for the Roodhouse family... read more

Wayne McKeon

When Wayne McKeon was asked to 'deliver a load for free' to Heritage Industries in Mount Gambier in the 1970s, little did he know that more than half a century of service and kinship with Bedford Group lay ahead... read more

Sister Maureen O'Connell

Bedford was a daily landmark in Sr Maureen O’Connell’s young life, as far back as she can remember. Living in Colonel Light Gardens, she was one of six children who attended St Therese Primary School... read more

Image of Bedford Life Member Colin Dunsford

Colin Dunsford OAM

A chartered accountant of 45 years, former Bedford chairperson of 11 years, an OAM recipient, and contributor to numerous government and not-for-profit organisations, Colin Dunsford’s impact on Bedford and the wider SA community is an inspiration... read more

Faye Packham

Faye’s involvement with Bedford came when her daughter Lauren, who was born with an intellectual disability, participated in Bedford’s Work Experience Program in 2003... read more

Bedford Life Membership Roster

Mrs ER AtwellMrs S HateleyMrs Faye Packham
Dr G BethuneMrs A HeyworthMrs H Pitt
Dr AB Black OAMMr K JenkinsMrs N Pullen
Ms A Bolkus and Mr M DwyerMr KF Kelly AMMrs TM Pye
Mrs CM BrownDr NH KirbyMr T Robins OAM
Ms VK BryantMr D and Mrs J KnightMr KC Rogers OAM
Mr EM ByrtMr S and Mrs ED Kosmala OAMMr P Roodhouse
Mr M ChappelMrs S KuchtaMrs D Shaw
Mr G ConnorMr S Liebhardt Mr A Somerville
Mrs R DavisonMrs J MacFarlaneMr RJ Styling AFSM OAM
Miss G DicksonMr M MakridMr I Terry and Mrs M Terry
Mr R DomaschenzMr BP Martin AO and Mrs M MartinMr JA Uhrig AC
Mr C Dunsford AMThe Hon RG Matheson AM KC Mrs J Von Stanke
Mrs L FussMr W McKeonMr PG White
Mr JC GoodallMrs BD MorishMrs F Whyte
Mr R GriggSr M O’ConnellMrs BC Mudge *
Mr S Hains AMMrs R and Mr HD O’Connor AMMrs M Shannon AM OAM *
Mrs A Tiddy *
* Member deceased